Wednesday, September 16, 2015

When leading policy change, it is imperative that one develop the skills necessary to communicate effectively.  Researchers state, “Communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Effective communication is also a two-way street. It’s not only how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended, it’s also how you listen to gain the full meaning of what’s being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood.” ("," n.d., para. 3). 

One communication skill that one should embody when leading policy change is to keep the stress level in check.  Being aware of and in control of emotions when presenting a policy plan is imperative.  The topic of a policy plan is a topic in which the developer is passionate and is working extremely hard in order to have this policy plan passed.  When presenting the policy change to others, remaining calm and keeping the stress level down can aid in more successful communication tactics.  Research states, “It’s only when you’re in a calm, relaxed state that you'll be able to know whether the situation requires a response, or whether the other person’s signals indicate it would be better to remain silent.” ("," n.d., p. 1).  People are going to question the research and the data; therefore, keeping in mind how to remain calm and sharing the knowledge that you have gained on the topic can help others see and agree with your perspective, as well as your plan. 

Another communication skill that one should exemplify is that of assertiveness.  According to research, “Direct, assertive expression makes for clear communication and can help boost self-esteem and decision-making. Being assertive means expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in an open and honest way, while standing up for yourself and respecting others.” ("," n.d., p. 1).  Again, when presenting a policy change, others will question the knowledge and the data.  Being assertive and respecting their questioning and opinions will gain you respect in return.  Assertiveness is the act of respecting others while standing strong on your own efforts.  This will prove to be valuable when presenting policy change.

According to the Communication Anxiety Inventory, I have been identified as having situational anxiety.  Although I am confident in many areas of communication, there are some areas in which I feel apprehension.  I am the type of person that is early everywhere I go and I work hard to meet deadlines earlier than needed.  I worry about my efforts and always strive to improve myself constantly for myself, my family, and my students.  My stress level is an area in which I could show improvement.  I am a concerned person, but that is what adds to my successes in a way.  Like research has shown, if I can control this stress level, I will be more successful in my efforts.  “When you know how to maintain a relaxed, energized state of awareness—even when something upsetting happens—you can remain emotionally available and engaged.” ("," n.d., p. 1). 

I feel as though I am a very good listener and I display assertiveness in my communication efforts.  When working in early childhood education, listening to parents, administration, team members, and your students is imperative to being a great educator.  Research states, “When you’re an engaged listener, not only will you better understand the other person, you’ll also make that person feel heard and understood, which can help build a stronger, deeper connection between you.” ("," n.d., p. 1).  Building these relationships builds respect and a strong relationship with those that you are working with in order to better the education for children.

Communication is important in many different aspects of early childhood education from working with students, conferencing with parents, presenting to faculty and staff, and developing policies to make a positive change in the field.  Becoming familiar with effective communication techniques can help educators improve themselves to a level that builds strong relationships, as well as respect in the field.  I will continue to strive in building on my strengths within communication and strengthening my weaknesses in order to become a more effective educator.  In turn, this will allow me to continue to strive for positive social change in the field of early childhood education.




  1. Kerri:
    You stressed a very important communications point. You reminded us that our ability to appropriately respond is determined by our stress level when communicating.Remaining calm and relaxed allows us to more accurately read situations and reactions. When we are not calm and attentive in a two-way system, it hinders our communication effort. Thanks for highlighting that. Awesome post!

  2. Hello Kerri!
    I strongly agree with your statement on 'stress levels' in times of transformation, particularly when reforming an educational system. As educators we experience many challenges within the school systems. It is very important to maintain our composure at all times, so that we can demonstrate professionalism and communicate effectively without a bit of stress.
    I too, participated in the Communication Anxiety Inventory and my results, I see it as lessons learned and/ or self-improvement. As educators we are always in business for learning. One good thing about communication is that we have so many vehicles to pick and choose from when we need to convey an important message; whether it be within the school systems, or personal, we have the ability to use different technology devices to get the job done!
    In designing the communication phrase, you are beginning to prepare your organization for the transformation from current state, or practice, to the future state. At this time, business leaders need to prepare the messages that define the organization's written principles and values. In doing so, leaders will begin to set the stage for behavioral and performance expectations. These core messages must identify the following:
    1. The nature of the transformational change itself- Why is the system changing the way it's always done business, and why is the change necessary?
    2. What role will I play in the change process? - Many members of a school system are innovative and eager to contribute their insights and suggestions for improvement.
    3. Where is the resistance to change? - Our initial communication must provide a mechanism to uncover potential paths of resistance to change.
    4. Displaying your commitment to change- When I visit with implementation teams during a project, I often hear comments, voices of resistance, that challenge leadership commitment.
    Reference: Wikoff, D. (nd). How to communicate effectively within the change process. Retrieved from:
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  3. Kerri,

    I struck me that you talked about keeping your stress level in check. Over the past two years of being in class with you, I have never once thought of you as one to stress. I think you are a very good communicator from my experiences working with you. I agree that dealing with policy issues tend to be more stressful than our typical early childhood work. I think each of the communication strategies your have explained are great ones whether you are successfully attempting to move policy or simply communicate well with others.


  4. Kerri,

    I struck me that you talked about keeping your stress level in check. Over the past two years of being in class with you, I have never once thought of you as one to stress. I think you are a very good communicator from my experiences working with you. I agree that dealing with policy issues tend to be more stressful than our typical early childhood work. I think each of the communication strategies your have explained are great ones whether you are successfully attempting to move policy or simply communicate well with others.


  5. Kerri,

    Great post!! Sometimes stress can seep in while you are involved in a conversation without you even know it is happening. It can be as simply as a person asking you a question that make you feel uncomfortable. The best way to deal with stress is to stay calm and try to make humor out of an uncomfortable situation.
